Jun 4, 2020


I just want us all to be happy again.  Is that
so wrong? Or, were we never all happy? My
heart hurts so much and I imagine so does
everyone else's. How do we begin to repair
our souls from damage done?!

Maybe it's more about LESS than MORE, or
a bit of both, perhaps.  Eat, drink and be merry
a little less and ponder, meditate and worship
a bit more. Serve self a little less and others
a bit more.  Less TV and more books? Less
texting and more letters? Alas, I do not hold
the answers, but I do know I want to heal. I
long for healing for all of us.

I need to make an effort to figure things out
and get back on track, whatever that might be.

so need us to heal
create a heaven on earth
mend the ties that bind

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