Jun 12, 2020


So much fun when one of the kids has 
a birthday! Of course, the reunions that 
develop are amazing. And not to forget
the wondrous joys they have brought to
our doors . . . along with the occasional
naughties from time to time!

Having these children, raising them and
glorying in their accomplishments . . . 
a lifetime in itself. Looking at them, we 
hark back to what our own parents must 
have thought when looking at us . . .
generations in action!

Along with the other gazillion grands in
this world, I enjoy watching the grandkids. 
Watching them play, develop, grow and
above all, become persons in their own
right. We done good, compadre!!!

God, aren't families incredible, glorious,
phenomenal . . . and ever so complicated!

my own babes pleading
pray tell me a story grand
bout you as a kid

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