Jun 21, 2020


As Father's Day draws near, I wish to honor
my mother. Many have heard me say, "My
father was my mother and my mother was
my father." And this, 'tis true!

My mother was an absolutely amazing gal!
She was born in Delta, Colorado, went to
school there, worked in a dry goods store
and dreamed of college in the big city of
Grand Junction! At 18, she left hearth and
home, moved into a boarding house and
attended Mesa College. She graduated as
WWII was ending. She then worked for the
Atomic Energy Commission for the next 40
years. Wow!

She met my father coming home from the
war, married him and gave me the gift of
life not long after. They were together until
his death. It's an amazing thing to look at
one's parents and recognize that had they
not met, or been together, the very
existence we treasure would simply never
have been!

When mom retired from the AEC, five of
her previous bosses flew in for her good
bye do. The venue was packed! The meal
fabulous, the drinks flowing. Said five
bosses gave excellent tributes and then
it was mom's turn. She was the picture of
poise and grace; her speech was perfect!
At times funny and others moving, but

As a speech teacher myself, I had never
heard better! As a surprise to her, I had
been invited to speak. I made the effort
to emulate her own presentation and there
for that one precious moment, we were
mother and daughter!

What a woman! A professional, a provider,
a role model! I thank her for my education,
for a good home, for being an amazing
father figure!

always protected
my dad can beat up your dad
she showed me the ropes

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