Jun 21, 2020

06/21/2020 - Summer Solstice

Litha, the summer solstice, may actually be
my fave of all the sabbats. I love the bright
summer sun, the warm weather and above
all, sisters who join in the celebration.

I was ever so fortunate to have two of my
neighboring sisters join me in the sacred
circle yesterday. We were actually in circle
when the height of the solstice occurred at
3:43 p.m.

Per se, I am a lunar lady, but after an almost
unending Winter, it is indeed glorious to
celebrate the sun. And, sun we did have!
Even got a tad of a sunburn.

I so love our celestial orbs and am grateful
to my sisters who delight in celebrating with
me. Blessed be . . .

litha tis my fave
sisters in sacred circles
yay summer solstice

Due to the fact that this year is a leap year,
the solstice occurred on Saturday the 20th
rather than the usual 21st of June. The
Washington Post reminds us that an annular
ring of fire solar eclipse will darken the first
day of summer in Africa.

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