Jun 8, 2020


Contemplating goodbyes of late . . .
and indeed, goodbyes can be very difficult.
Those little goodbyes as we hang up the phone.
Goodbyes to our visiting friends and neighbors.
Even goodbyes to our favorite things.

Then there's those hard goodbyes as we leave
our adult children when visiting them in their
own places. And God only knows where I was
hiding when my own grandchildren became
proper adults and began serving their country!

Traveling through these childhood lands, I am
constantly reminded of our grandparents, god
parents, aunts and uncles and even our parents
who have gone on before . . .
Do they look down on us? Have a chuckle
as we explore their fave grounds and hiking
paths? And I've been told that those ancestors
we never knew somehow keep a watch on us.

Perhaps the hardest goodbye is to that child,
that young person we once were. Middle
aged us raising families, teaching our own
children to say goodbye. And then there's
my very own 'now' as I grow older each day
and try to prepare for my parting, my own
goodbye to me . . .

mustering courage
so long farewell adios bye
will we meet again

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