Jun 17, 2020


I've been pondering confidants and
their role in our lives. We all have
one, or heaven forbid, two! I believe
it was Ben Franklin who said, “Three
can keep a secret, if two of them are
dead.” I do wonder about it though,
we all seem to need to share our joys
and sorrows with that one special

My mom always advocated prayer.
She would say something along the
lines of, “Jesus will never tell your
secrets”. My dad believed living an
open life with no secrets to tell was
the way to go.

I like to share my deep dark secrets
with my bestie. This may be part of
being a woman, but I'm not sure.
Chatting by the fireside with that one
special friend, sharing all, is actually
something of a friendship ritual. And,
it does indeed create a certain kind
of intimacy.

Alas, we've all had the experience
of sharing with someone who enjoys
telling tales out of school. It may
even be a character trait as there's
a certain kind of sameness about
those who do this.

Guess it might be a good idea to
follow the advice of that wise old
bird who said, “Keep it to yourself,

so love my secrets
there is joy in the sharing
dont tell anyone

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