Jun 1, 2020


So love me some New Mexican chiles. Of
course, they are a fave no matter where
I go, but perhaps being so close to Mexico
makes these more special.

Chiles, as well as spices, have a way of
defining a given area. Part of this has to
do with where a given species will grow,
as well as the childhood customs one grew
up with.

Alas, I fear that in my little burg, I grew
up with bell peppers. I remember the first
time I tried pizza. It must have come to our
town just prior to my teen years. There was
a little packet of dried red chiles included in
the order. Nothing would do but for me to
try this ambrosia waiting to happen. And, I
wasn't wrong! I may have burned the hell
out of my mouth, but truly I felt I had died
and gone to heaven.

Chile Piquín, Chile de Árbol, Chile Chimayo, 
Chile Cayene, Chile Chipotle, Chile Poblano,
Chile Ancho, Chile Guajillo, Chile Mulato,
Chile Pasilla . . . I sing your praises! I will
ever season with you, enjoy your sabor;
pure magic!

green yellow orange
pray share some chiles with me
red is still my fave

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