Jun 25, 2020


We met. We embraced. We drank champagne.
We talked. We broke bread. We entered sacred
space . . . and I am all the better for it. I find
myself moved in gratitude. So many go through
life and never find that special circle that makes
life all worthwhile.

There are those with whom we play and party.
Others are confidants who comfort our bleeding
wounds, and yet others capable of seeing into
the depths of our very souls. And when those
blessed gifts are all found within sacred circle,
there is no greater bounty.

I kneel in awe before this legacy gifted me.
But I ask, "What do I bring to the table? What
in me deserves such largess? How can I give
back? How can I honor these glorious sisters?"

Me thinks true gratitude is shown in demanding
one's own personal growth. Expect more of self
every single day. Never back down. Never give
up. Be! Be more! Become!

tis time to grow up
pray i am up for the task
plagued with my own doubts

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