Dec 31, 2019


I thought all-nighters were something
you pulled in college when studying for
an important exam or finishing a term
paper. Nah, it's for exhausted oldsters
who never thought a thing about having
a scoop of coffee ice cream after supper.
God in heaven, I am beyond exhausted.

I have to smile . . . I've always thought
true freedom comes when you retire; you
mostly get to do what you want to . . .
but no, you have to curtail your water
intake early afternoons so you don't have
to get up so often during the night. Better
only have coffee before 9:00 a.m. or you
can forget sleeping and heaven forbid you
should ever get too far away from a

I've heard that funny axiom, "Aging ain't
for sissies!" I thought that was supposed
to just be hilarious, but no! It's actually
true. Guess I'd better get my ass in gear
and get in the shower . . . sooooo not
going to happen; all the water is frozen in
the kitchen, bathroom sink and shower.
Just not sure if that's about aging or if it's
Mother Nature reminding me it's only six
degrees and I live in a 120 year old cabin!

ever so tired
all my deep dark crannies hurt
to hell with aging

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