Dec 5, 2019


December is so fun; Christmas
and Yule wherever your eyes
happen to fall. Some folk started
decorating before Thanksgiving
and I do get that it's hard to wait.
It's a time of year of decor, giving,
singing, sharing, and . . . faux peace.
I wonder sometimes if that isn't why
we love the season so much; we
'feel' the peace and 'believe' that the
world is in a better place. Perhaps
that's as it should be . . . a preview
of what we could make out of our
world; and maybe, we can't change
the world, but we can certainly do so
ourselves. And in changing ourselves,
others will be inspired to do the same.
Oh, those wondrous concentric circles
ever expanding, extending, embracing
and suddenly our world is a better place.

feliz navidad
happy yule merry x-mas
celebrate happy

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