Dec 14, 2019


At o'dark thirty, I find myself reminded
that every coin has two sides and it
must be the same for celebrations, as
well. Yesterday morning, my friend
and guest brought a gracious sobriety
to the table, as it were. We visited
thoughtfully about things we deemed
important and I felt a sense of resolution
about things discussed. The second visit
was by a neighborhood couple with
whom we've become friends. We were
taking Friday the 13th down a peg or
two. It was vastly fun involving delish
cuisine and a delightful beer tasting.
Still, I had never given much thought
to the fact that a gathering, of any size,
has its own flavor, a personality of sorts.
I found myself feeling that both sides
of my personality had been addressed.
Rather reminded me that Linda and Dale,
I mean Linda-Dale, can enjoy the twain
on the same day!

how hight is the peak
how deep is the bright blue sea
tis depth of the heart

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