Dec 28, 2019


Life all boils down to choices, doesn't
it?! The road taken, the road not taken.
I chose to leave home at 14 and go to a
boarding school in Arizona. Why not spend
that extra year in Mexico since I finished
high school in three years?! And then, I
somehow stayed for 20 years. I chose to
return to US and teach in Commerce City
for 20 plus years. Make no mistake, I
loved every minute of it. Teacher I am and
forever shall be! But, I had intended to
study nursing. C's in all things science and
A's in all things literature, saw to that one.
Why retire at 62 when I could have taught
several more years? Mom needed care and
moved in . . . who would have thought it?!
And, I paid for all my sins while I was at it!
No point in wondering what would have
happened had I done things differently, Still,
as I get a tad older, I find I tend to think
about my choices a bit more . . . Not that
common sense plays much of a role there;
wayyyyy tooooo logical!!! I pray I find the
odd bit of amusement in my future choices;
one does need a good laugh now and again!

no time for planning
playing as fast as i can
no thinking either

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