Dec 1, 2019


Good morning to you, December!!!

Here's to new beginnings, the 1st,
and anxious endings, the 30th, 2019.
I imagine that you, like me, might be
thinking about a myriad of things . . .
cards to be sent, gifts to buy, tree to
put up, meals to plan, children and
families to invite, etc. Still, I imagine
there are many of us who are asking
the harder questions . . .

     How can I  better honor my path
     in the upcoming year?
     What do I need to do in order to
     to completely heal?
     What do I need to let go and how
     can I find the courage to do so?

And, I pray that none of you
are writing down dozens of those pesky
self-requirements for next year. Think
about them, perhaps. But, best to
ponder them and choose three. A better
chance of actually accomplishing them.

I rather like something like this . . .

     1) Give myself the space to grow.
     2) Forgive myself more often.
     3) Enjoy family and friends daily!

Enjoy December; 2020 is yet to come . . .

enjoy the present
learn from the past dont live there
look forward always

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