Dec 13, 2019


Sooooo love me some good coffee!
I always kept a coffee maker in my
classroom and thought nothing of
having a pot or two a day. I did
promise myself that once I retired
I'd lose the habit . . . and so I did.
Now retired, I allow myself a couple
of cups once a month. Quite a come
down! The bad side of things is that
on the night of said indulgence, there
is no sleep for me. And, I accept that.
No one's going to die from one sleepless
night. My issue is that for some reason
I now lose two or three nights, mostly
three. God, I so don't want to give up
my vice! It's appropriate, I suppose,
to pay for one's sins; but, the payment
is supposed to be congruent with the
wrongdoing!!! I give up . . . and, I'm
sleepy, but can't sleep. Grrrrrrrrrr!!!
And no, don't care for me some decaf!

am a naughty gal
may have to get naughtier
good doesn't suit me

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