Dec 12, 2019


Funnily enough, the holidays never
interfere with those crazy daily living
snafus! Here we are in the midst of
one of the most amazing full moons
ever and a bit of bad luck is shining
down. Number one son's bathroom
has exploded; we've run out of wood
for the fireplace; desperately need
to hit the market and it's supposed
to start snowing noon-ish. I need to
remember, it is what it is. Nobody's
going to die if the men play the with
plumbing, if we have to stay upstairs
during the snowstorm and eat a few
strange meals until the snow abates.
I've noticed in planning ahead, we
plan for perfection, no obstacles in
site. But in real life, it's more about
dealing with the obstacles and getting
through our daily lists anyway. Maybe
this is what makes us  R E A L !!!
Here's to soldiering on, no matter what!

lets smile and move on
soldiers of the universe
brave faces surround

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