Dec 23, 2019


What is it about the end of the year?
We've been naughty all year and all
of a sudden we want to turn ourselves
into Goody Two-Shoes! Drink more
water; drink less booze. Exercise more
and stop eating so much. Enough with
the dirty words already; can't you just
say darn like your grandma used to?!
And, stop with the spending; we're on
the verge of bankruptcy.

I could go on . . . and indeed, I want to
become a better person in 2020. Still,
it's important to be one's self, to enjoy
life, celebrate those easily forgotten
details. Once again, it comes down to
balance . . . and I know I've said many
a time that I'm the most unbalanced
Libra I know.

So, here's to thinking things through;
choose just a very few New Year's
Resolutions. Let's grow and enjoy life!

want to be better
dancing as fast as i can
longing to be me

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