Dec 25, 2019

12/25/19 - x-mas day

A cold, beautiful morning in which my guy
informs me I'll be having breakfast in bed!
He does indeed make the best pancakes
I've ever tasted . . . and in bed, no less!

Our gifts today are esoteric rather than
actually palpable. We are gifting each other
acts of kindness, that quiet touch, a verbal
reminder of fun stories in our years together.

One of the things I've loved about getting
older has been understanding and enjoying
special dates and times in a different way.
I could have used some of this wisdom years
ago. I quite like looking at life through my
own ever evolving kaleidoscope!

I pray you have your own wondrous day,
as well as days to come! Remember . . .
Think abstract over concrete!!!

longing for today
loving me some special days
each and every day

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