Dec 17, 2019


To Yule or to x-mas? When in doubt, do both!
There is something quite wondrous about this
time of year . . . that is of course, if you can
get past all the snow and survive!

Yule is my tradition of choice. I value honoring
its origins, going way back to olden times. Yule
traditionally is about brotherhood, sisterhood,
meet 'n greets, sharing time and honoring
Mother Nature and her kin.

Christmas is a familial holiday that has grown
by leaps and bounds in today's Christian culture.
It honors the Christ, yet people of all faiths, creeds
and even non-believers enjoy the holiday. And,
don't you just get a kick out of all the different
holiday greetings on the cards . . . commerce at
its best.

I have come to learn, that even as we grow and
change, holidays evolve as well. I may prefer Yule,
but I think it's wondrous that thousands, if not
millions, enjoy the holidays, each in their own belief
system . . . and for a moment, bring out the best of
themselves to share with all. Happiest of all holidays!

your way or my way
loving me some holidays
share with me and mine

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