Dec 27, 2019


I just had an aha moment . . . I was
inputting important dates on my 2020
calendar . . . uh, did I mention that I'm
anal as well?! . . . when I had this wild
aha moment; more of a 'duh' moment
really! Seems to me that I live my life
based on special dates, celebrations,
and holidays . . . and I like as many as
possible! Truly, it's a wonder I can even
afford myself! But, just think about it.
A special date means celebration, gifts,
foods, get togethers! I would add that
being retired is a good way to drop out,
stay out of touch and become quite
solitary. Holidays help with that. I much
enjoy my solitary time as well, still I
don't think it's too healthy to live there!
Human connection is important! Soooo,
January already has about 15 special days;
when are you dropping by? I mean . . .
dropping by with a red in hand . . . 
I'll cook!

be it fair or foul
love me some celebrations
come sit by the fire

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