Nov 30, 2019


There's a rule, isn't there, that rather
than spend your non-existent fortune
on Black Friday, you do your x-mas
cards?! One way or another, I bit the
bullet and I'm all finished except for
a few children's cards. I find myself
smiling at how each of us tend to
spend the holidays in different ways.
For some, it's all about cooking and
baking. For others, it's cleaning and
decorating the house and yet others
care more about the gifts they can
put together. I can actually remember
a time when I had the energy to do
all three; inconceivable at this point
in my life! Actually, I read somewhere
that once you turn 70 you're not
supposed to worry about dusting 'cuz
those dust bunnies might just be
an ancestor!

holiday spirit
parties and goodies galore
pure ambrosia

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