Aug 31, 2024


"You cannot save people, you 
can only love them." ~Anaïs Nin

This statement so reminds me of
my daughter. What an amazing
young woman. 

Our family celebrates a plethora
of belief systems . . . Christianity,
Paganism, Agnostic, etc. My gal
is a Christian, the real McCoy!

It so moves me how she accepts
us all, no matter our personal
beliefs. She doesn't proselytize,
preach, condemn; she only loves.

Methinks she must be a very old
soul to be so wise, so kind and
so loving.

I want to be just like her when 
I grow up!

 - - -

Anaïs Nin was a diarist, essayist,
novelist. Born to Cuban parents
in France, composer Joaquín Nin
and Rosa Culmell, classically
trained singer. 1903-1977 

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