Aug 22, 2024


"No one tells the oceans or the
trees or the mountains that they're
too old. They talk of how powerful,
how grounded, how awesome they
are. Imagine if we thought the same
way about ourselves as we got older.
Maybe we'd realize how spectacular
we are." ~Becky Hemsley

As I'm just shy of that glorious age
of 175, alright, 75, I find myself
thinking about the glories of aging.

Such a gift to reach this remarkable
age! I've lived through some things
that may have made this age un-
attainable . . . cancer for one, and
I choose not to talk about the rest
just now.

I'll not have a large party as many
do. But rather, a special thing each
day of the month. Pizza at my fave
place, an antiquing trip, meet up w/
friends and anything else I can think

Feel free to send your ideas as I'll be
celebrating 30 days for 75. I'll leave
the 31st for enjoying Samhain!

Am I lucky or what?!

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