Aug 29, 2024


Been kind of down of late. Almost
like Winter SAD. So, not sure if it's 
the Universe providing or if it's my 
friends . . .

Yesterday, my bestie from over the
mountain came . . . bringing her
lovely self and peaches, no less.

Today, the first friend I made in
Denver is coming for lunch and 
in the evening my triad joins in.

Tomorrow, last FAC for 4 weeks
with our dearests and bests next
door and a party on Sat. Invited 
to dine on Sun . . . 

It's like the great Mother is saying 
to me, "Cheer up, you silly goose! 
There are those who love you and 
lots to live for."

I feel suitably chastened . . . not
sure to whom I should offer my
apologies . . .

 . . . but enough of the pity party
already! Sooooo need to get over

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