Aug 8, 2024


"At the end of the day, 
we all just want to be home,
whether it's a place, a person,
or a feeling."
Wild Woman Sisterhood

Actually, I was commenting
on this to my guy as we sat
outside enjoying a pre-rain

I realize on some level that  
I've turned every place I've
lived into a home. How lovely
then, to live in a 145 year old
cabin at the end of my days.

It's sandwiched between the
forest and modern day traffic.
Still, albeit tiny, 'tis true home
where I spend time with my
man and enjoy every moment.

Our fams and friends are home
as well. 'Tis such a comfort
spending time in the company
of those who make you feel
well loved, cared for, even 

I am grateful beyond the pale
for this my home, my family
and my friends . . .

Blessed be, ld

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