Aug 14, 2024


"Your biggest enemy is 
your uncontrolled mind!"
Wild Woman Sisterhood

A sleepless night, a tad cold,
and I run into this quote . . .


Rather embarrasses me to
think that I'm nigh onto 75
and still not in control of my
mind! Or, is it possible to
have control over one's mind
when asleep?

I can't help but wonder . . .
Just how in control are we of
anything?! Rather boils down
to the age old quandaries . . .
"live or exist, accept or fight,
go or stay, walk or run?!"

Yes, we do have choices and
yes, we do make them. We
make them, indeed! And we 
live w/the cost of our choices.

But, I can't help but wonder 
if indeed we're even paying
attention whilst living out said

We're so busy living, running
those pesky errands that fall
under the category of living,
that I'm not certain awareness
is even an option?!

Who was it that said, "slow
down and live?!" I sooooo
need to follow this advice!

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