Aug 12, 2024


"Life shrinks or expands in
proportion to one's courage."
~Anaís Nin

I've been thinking of this in
terms of age and aging. I can
remember doing things back
in the day with no thought

For example, dad would call
and say he missed me and I
would hop in the car and four
hours later I'd be hugging him.
Alas today, I think a great deal
before making this trip.

Driving an hour and a half to
school and home, never gave
it a thought. Now it seems I
don't want to go places that
takes over 20 minutes to get

Perhaps, this is more about
diminishing actions along
with diminishing age. I do
know that I'm content . . .

. . . in my tiny cabin, family
and friends visiting, sitting
under our fave tree even 
when it's raining, watching
deer and elk in the yard.

What a life!

My husband used to say, "It
don't pay to think too much."
Not sure where he got these
words of wisdom, but they
deserve thinking about . . . 


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