Aug 15, 2024


Old friends, so fun . . .

Yesterday, enjoyed the hell
out of fellow teachers from
pre-retirement days.

So fun to catch up period . . .
also enjoy cross referencing
about the bits and pieces we
of old students, as well as 
fellow teachers.

On a note of sorrow, we just
lost one of our own this past
week. Bottom line, now that
we're in our 70ies, methinks
there is naught for it. We will
continue to decimate. 

Rather hoping heaven really
exists and we get to continue
our famous teacher antics en

An afterthought, we are all so
lucky to be alive. We should
celebrate daily. Spend quality
time with our fams and friends,
and truly live rather than exist.

So here's to however many
days we have left and hoping
we have the wherewithal to
share and enjoy every moment!


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