Aug 19, 2024


"I am all in a sea of wonders.
I doubt; I fear; 
I think strange things
Which I dare not confess to 
     my soul."
~Bram Stoker

First reading this, I felt instant
recognition. My mind seems 
to have 'a mind of its own' . . .
as it were.

I recognize that I tend to live in 
my mind a great deal. 'Tis there
that I think and ponder about a 
great deal of things.

None of them nasty, some of 
them a tad dangerous, many

Sooooo, what's the prob already?
And then I'm reminded of a line
in song . . .

"It don't pay to think too much."
~Townes Van Zant

Here's to happy thinking! Salud!

 - - -

Abraham Stoker was an Irish 
author known for the 1897 
Drakula. 1847 - 1912 Wikipedia

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