Aug 28, 2024


"Nature is not a place to visit;
it is home." 
Ecological Consciousness

Many have asked me about my
spiritual beliefs. The above says
it all in a nutshell.

I sit at the feet of Mother Nature.
I bow to her moods and beauty.
I thank her daily, if not more often,
for all she provides.

When I find myself overcome in
sorrow, all I have to do is go out
and be with her for a while. I'm
ever so thankful to be living in
her forest.

Gleefully happy, I find I must share.
So, where do I go? To my very own
happy tree just outside the cabin.

Not necessarily sad, just grumpy,
again she is the answer.

Mother is such a gift to us. I simply
do not understand the perils all over
the world of floods, tornados, storms.

Alas, I do not understand . . .

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