Aug 3, 2024


"The day will come when what
is ethical matters more than what
is profitable." ~Rumi

Somewhere 'twixt and 'tween the
upcoming election and the forest
fires we're experiencing, I believe
this message is finally touching
our hearts and minds.

Alas, I have this horrendous feeling
that busy, busy, busy has excelled
over the ethical. Completely natural!

We're driving, getting to our jobs,
working to bring home the bacon,
and trying to rear our children.
Frankly, there's precious little time
to indulge in anything else.

We even hurry to enjoy our fun
time. Bears thinking about . . .

 - - -

Rumi was a 13th century Persian
poet, Islamic scholar, Maturdi
theologian, Sufi mystic, originally
from the Greater Iran. 1207 - 1273

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