Aug 2, 2024


Trying to think positive here . . .

Is it the morning of the day 
after or is it the morning 
of the day before?

Sooooo enjoyed Lughnasadh
eve and the actual day as well.
Really didn't wish for it to end.

So, I availed myself of wisdom
from on high . . . otherwise
known as the Internet . . . and
found the below quote.

Rather like the idea of funning
for an entire month! Hoist your
glasses with whatever . . . for
moi, 'tis buttermilk . . . and let's
simply August it for another 30

 - - -

Every year on the Sunday
closest to August 1, the
Celtic festival Lughnasadh
kicks off the harvest season.
The festival also marks the
beginning of autumn and
traditionally lasts for one 
National Day Calendar

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