May 30, 2024


"It's okay that you don't know
how to move on. Start with
something easier . . . like not
going back." ~Unknown

Methinks, maybe, just maybe,
I'm finally drumming up the
courage to recognize, to accept
that I am indeed an ole dame
these days!

Praise God from whom all
blessings flow, I am still straight
and walk a strong stride!

But, that pesky little nag that I
don't recall something?! Does
it mean I'm losing my memory?

Don't cook much any more. 
Just open the fridge and see 
what falls out, right?!

Don't like to go out much . . . 
so enjoy when people come by.
It's spring, finally! Let's sit out
front and have a beer or three!

I like what Ms. Unknown said
about not going back . . . Still,
one can't do so anyway so might 
as well get on with that whole
acceptance bit! 


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