May 11, 2024


Today we moms find ourselves 
halfway 'twixt and 'tween Día 
de las Madres Mexicanas ayer, 
and Mother's Day tomorrow.

So love that we merit these
celebratory days. Fun memes
and fab get-togethers.

On the other side of things, 
now that I'm nigh onto a100, 
I'm making an effort to think 
of my own mother most days.

As we disagreed on all things
philosophical and I cared for 
her three and a half years in 
quite difficult circumstances, 
I found myself riding my high 
horse and dis-remembering 
more important things.

I'm so proud of her for 30
years at the Atomic Energy
Commission. Proud that five
of her bosses flew in from 
parts unknown to honor her.

She wowed me in the way 
she cared for my special, 
blind brother Sammy and 
was very involved in his 
school and activities.

She took time for me as well.
I remember all the amazing 
things she did for our 8th grade 
class, one special field trip, or
activity per month.

Today, as I honor her, I am
determined to let go of any
remaining negative feelings
and celebrate the amazing
woman she truly was.

Thank God I always treated 
her with great respect.

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