May 9, 2024


"i'm aware that i am rare."

I remember hearing a certain
comments as a child from time 
to time  . . .

"He's an odd duck." or "She's 
a bit of bother."

I always knew my dad was an
eccentric . . . and ever longed 
to be just like him!

I do know that I was fortunate
to be reared by a man who was
so utterly himself. He always
encouraged me to be my real
self, follow my inclinations
and not worry about the crowd.

This gift, given to me by my 
dad, has brought such amazing 
people into my life. I worship at
the feet of my fellow unusuals.

Frank conversations, personal
beliefs, own way of dress . . .
oh how I admire these brave

Let's celebrate our differences!
Let's lose that whole cookie 
cutter nonsense, ever and always
seeking to be our true selves.

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