May 18, 2024


"If only our eyes saw souls
instead of bodies . . .  how 
different our world would 
be." ~Lauren Jauregui

Methinks all we need is a
closer look! Most people
wear their hearts on their
sleeves anyway . . .

We spend way too much
time being distracted by
beauty instead of enjoying
personalities, intellect and

There is naught wrong with
beauty. But, it is not the be
all, end all. There has to be
something behind the facade
to make the person interesting.

So enjoy listening to a person
of decent intellect. All said in
conversation captivates me.

Some are beautiful and some
not! Seems to me, they don't
pay any attention to looks.

They enjoy learning, reading,
forming their own opinions
and sharing in conversations.

Just who I want to be when
I grow up . . .

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