May 13, 2024


"The sole purpose of human
existence is to kindle a light
in the darkness of mere being."
~Carl Jung

I've been a fan forever and 
a day! Such wisdom . . .

I get that he has been been
controversial throughout the
decades of his life. Still, he
does hit on certain important
points. And, I like this one.

When all is going well, we
tend to forget that there are
others to are struggling to
the point they may not even
wish to go on.

Seems to me, it's only when
we're down and out that we
tend to remember the
suffering of others. Maybe,
this is one of the whys we're
allowed the downs!

If we're in a good place,
let's hark back to the dark
times and shine a light for
those who aren't doing so
well just now.

Could make all the difference
in the world to them.

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