May 21, 2024


"I have been many different
versions of me, but even in the
darkest of days, I keep coming
back to the same heart, same
passion, same purpose, and 
same soul, just a little bit more
weathered and a little bit wiser."
~janine tamis

Methinks 'tis rare to find such
wisdom in one so young . . .
Might just have something to
do with the things she's gone
through in her life.

And perhaps, that would apply
to all of us. We each have our
journeys, our stories to tell, our
endurance to be proud of.

In my own life, I would confess
I haven't always come out on
top. But surely, survival counts
for something. I'm here, nigh
onto a hundred years old and
still trying, still growing. 

Good days and bad days, but I 
swear on all that is holy, I'm
going to go down fighting; make
no mistake!

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