May 28, 2024


"Release & let go of every
thing that is toxic to your 
being. Cleanse your soul." 
~muses from a mystic

Methinks, I've always been
more about accumulating
than letting go. Rather makes
it hard to cleanse one's soul.

I tend to think of these things
like a filing system. Keep all,
keep filed, look back when
needed. Doesn't do much for
cleaning out, does it?!

Can't help but wonder if one
could do about half and half
rather than cleaning out all?!

Maybe it's rather like cleaning
house . . . dust, mop 'n glow!
And while you're at it . . .

   a) put away
   b) give away
   c) throw away

I like my version of letting go
much better!

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