May 22, 2024


"I feel like I'm constantly
worrying about the next part
of my life without realizing
that I'm right in the middle of
what I used to look forward to"
~Taisha Makainai

Perhaps this is a new way to
look at, "Live in the Now" . . .

I saw the above statement this
early morn and it wowed me. 
I've always had issue with
living in the now. But, never
once had I thought about this.
I'm living now for what I once
wished for.

This truly gives one pause! Add
in the fact that I'm soon to turn
75 and get where my mind is at.

Think I'll ponder this for a bit
and find whatever gratitude is
lurking around . . .

-fam and friends
-hearth and home
-decent health
-just enough shekels

Frankly, what more could one
want?! Just got to make the
effort . . . Live in the NOW, 

 . . . a now I dreamed of in 

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