May 5, 2024

05/05/2024 - Cinco de Mayo

"There is always, always, always,
something to be grateful for."
~Rhonda Byrne

And today, it is for the birth of
my daughter . . .

My mother was born May 5th.
As we were living far, far away
in Olde Mexico, we wanted to 
give her the greatest gift she'd
ever received.

Much planning, fun guessings,
and our dream came true! My
doc liked to say, "her first half
'twas born on Cinco de Mayo,
Mexican, and her second half 
on the sixth of May, US. He
even gave us two birth certs
representing the two dates.

Rather makes me think she
coulda, woulda, shoulda been
a Libra.

Today, US will be partying.
Mexico will be having very
serious marchings, speeches
honoring this vast historical
significance . . .

 . . . Hopefully, my dear, sweet 
daughter will be celebrating 
her heart out!

Feliz cumpleaños hijita!

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