May 20, 2024


Learning many a life lessons
from my guy, but perhaps the
most important is all the ways
he says, "I love you" w/o the

He never said the words. If I
did, he would say, "me too."
And, he would say them to 
his children ending phone

Then, little by little, I began
to notice . . .

"I'm going downstairs, 
can I get you anything?"

"I know you hate it, but
I need you to buckle up."

"While I was at the grocery
I got you the salad stuff you

"Here, let me help you with

Obviously, I'm ever so glad
I've come to understand his
way. Can't help but wonder
if there aren't other gals out
there who haven't sussed
out the code yet?!

It's how I've come to think
of it . . .

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