May 15, 2024


Every night when trying to
fall asleep, I silently murmur
Live as I breathe in and Exist
as I breathe out.

I do so partially to fall asleep
with good vibes in my soul,
as well as focusing on living
rather than simply existing.

Today was errands day . . .
hit taxes, Social Security, 
water, Safeway and the 
liquor store. We treated
ourselves to pizza as our
chef seems to have left us
in the lurch.

I'm exhausted, fairly broke
and want naught more than
a nap . . . here's hoping my
fairy godmother leaves me
something under my pillow
tonight! I deserve it!

What I like about days such
as today, other than getting
things done, is the reminder
that living is ever so important.

Still, one must note . . . existing
has its place. Bills must be paid,
taxes filed, water picked up, etc.

These tasks in the existing field,
make living ever so much more
lovely after all!

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