Nov 29, 2018


The perfect date . . . I hark back to the days of yore
and think about the dating game. Being 69 years of
age, I suppose my ideas of dating back then would
be very different than what young people today
would believe to be perfection. I can recall going
to the A and W Root Beer stand for a float and
thinking that was rather fun. Although I didn't like
root beer, I think it was the idea of it that I liked. I
loved indoor rollerskating, outdoor picnics, long
walks and short hikes, window shopping and ice
cream cones, as well as NOT walking dogs in the
park. There is something my man and I much
rather relish now; we like to sit by the fire with
a bit of low mood music in the background . . .
(we especially like a thunderstorm) . . . and a
bottle of red between us. If it's early, we are both
fond of tea, and frankly, 'tis hard to tear ourselves
away. I imagine, the magic of the fire is hard to
beat! I do know I can be antsy, upset, even
depressed, and a couple of hours by the fire, and
it's all good. Forget therapy, just give me a few
sticks and a match . . . well, I suppose the wine
helps as well. Wanna date?

baby light my fire
magic waiting to happen
do come sit with me

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