Nov 19, 2018


I've been thinking . . . now there's an idea! No really,
I've been thinking about what it is to be happy. I've
read all the gurus, the articles, the how to's . . . but
not really sure that I'm any closer. The great masters
seem to think that striving for contentment is what
it's all about. The New Agers believe they have all the
answers. The masters of yesteryear have written
volumes on the subject, droning on and on, but me
thinks I need a synthesizer! And, not to forget the holy
books . . . the Bible, the Koran, the Talmud and others.
I can't help but think that each and every believe they
possess the answers, but bottom line, perhaps the truth
is that the answer lies within and that happiness is
actually different for all of us. I hark back to high school
when all the girls were making cute little 'Happiness is"
lists with drawings of hearts and tears throughout. But
alas, I'm not 15 anymore . . . so where do I go from here?
I do know, without a shadow of a doubt, that my children
make me happy! My friends turn my sorrows to joy and
brush away my tears. Teaching . . . WOW! Now, there's
something that has bought me joy untold. Now, I'm
thinking I need to synthesize! Maybe I'm overthinking
this a bit. Maybe happiness isn't in the grandiosity of the
cosmos, but rather in those little bits and pieces of every
day. It comes to me that I'd better be doing an about
face and change my way of thinking. I'm going to take a
peek in the corners of my mind and start making my own
mini-list, albeit sans the hearts and tears . . .

seeking happiness
children friends travels and kin
finding it within

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