Nov 7, 2018


Like the caveman of yesteryear, I have had to
come to the conclusion that fire is pure magic!
I can be upset beyond reason and if I sit by the
fire awhile, everything comes into perspective.
Sometimes, I'm feeling excited and overjoyed,
(a good place to be right?!) and the fire is
rather the icing on the cake. On the occasion
when I am overwhelmed with grief, 'tis only
the fire that can soothe and comfort me. So,
what's my excuse this time? Not that one needs
an excuse to light the fire, but my man has
mentioned something about me using up all the
firewood before winter proper . . . this time I'm
lighting the fire in joy, pure unadulterated joy!
I get to spend the evening with my bestie who
lives out of town and as we talk the night away,
the fire enhances the bliss I feel, simply warming
the cockles of my soul . . .

magic of the night
burns at the seat of my soul
the glory of fire

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