Nov 18, 2018


My doc insists that I drink 8 - 10 glasses of water
a day . . . AND keep a water log, pun intended.
Frankly, I've never drunk so much in my life; me
thinks I'm nigh onto dead in the water! I suppose
from a religious point of view, 'tis the water of life
and that has to mean a great deal. Alas, I'm like
a fish out of water there! At 69, and traversing a
steep flight of stairs, I would like to sleep through
the night, but if I have to choose between a healthy
liver and a fall down the rickety stairs, guess I'll
choose the former as me loves my red! I do have
to be careful so as not to get in hot water though.
My man says the 8 - 10 a day doesn't hold water
as everything we eat is water, but I must obey. I
actually haven't had a marg in many a moon as
our fave watering hole lost its liquor license . . .
Still, can't help but wonder if they count as water
intake! We've gone back there a couple of times
to test the waters, but I would have to admit
that even the best of Mexican food tastes even
more spectacular with a marg! Well, 'tis water
under the bridge. As retirees, we only eat out
about once a month, so come hell or high water,
we'll be finding a new place. Well, here's to you,
as I life my glass of H2O; just keeping my head
above water. And, just so you know, I'll be in
deep water if I don't win this bet that I can use
the damn word umpteen times in a paragraph!!!

punny mood today
me thinks tis thirst killing me
pray bring the drinks stat

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