Nov 22, 2018

11/22/18 - Thanksgiving

Only yesterday we were celebrating Halloween;
today we'll do Thanksgiving and nigh onto tomorrow,
it'll be Christmas. I find all these celebrations a tad
exhausting, yet exhilarating. Such fun! Such family!!
Such joy!!! I know it was only a few days ago that I
wrote something about holidays so this has been
preying on my mind. Holiday exhaustion aside, I've
been wondering how we could incorporate more of
this into our lives rather than less. There simply has
to be a way to bring in more jubilation into our daily
scene rather than the mundane . . . or should it be,
spicing up the mundane to make it more celebratory?
Isn't it champagne that makes orange juice brunch
rather than breakfast?! I think we can apply this
principle even sans champagne! A love note in the
sack lunch, perhaps? Supper a the dinner table
rather than in front of the TV? Invite a girlfriend to
lunch . . . let's picnic at the weekend? I imagine if
we all gave it some thought, even shared our ideas,
we could come up with a plethora of scenarios. I
think I'm going to do an after the TG blues surprise
picnic in bed for my guy . . . could be fun?! Who
knows what I might come up with for dessert!

lets spice up our days
a lot of play and no work
sounds like the ticket

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