Nov 16, 2018

11/16/18 - Lady Hekate

I always look forward to November 16 as
it is the day in which the Greek Goddess,
Lady Hekate, is honored. As she is a major
figure n Greek mythology, I imagine most
of you are familiar with her on some level.
One of the salient features of this triple
goddess Hekate is, she is known as the dark
goddess of the three-way crossroads. When
I purchased my 120 year old cabin almost
seven years ago, it was obvious that it
actually sat on a three-way crossroads,
hence the most appropriate naming of the
cabin, The Lady Hekate. I find myself
enamored of the legends and lore of this
historical figure. She is most often depicted
in ancient Greek art as the bearer of twin
torches, lighting the way, as it were. She
also bears a ring of keys, yet another detail
for which she is known. Interestingly enough,
as we rehabbed the cabin, we found keys,
both archaic and modern, buried or strewn
about the property. With the vast, almost
encyclopedic knowledge known of Hekate,
it seems a bit rich to dedicate one paragraph
to her. Nonetheless, Lady Hekate ROCKS!!!

remembering you
mystical goddess of threes
pray stand in my dark

you at the crossroads
two torches lighting the way
pray shine on my path

lady hekate
triple goddess of the night
pray bring me your keys

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