Nov 6, 2018

11/06/18 - Election Day

Today is just another day, right?! Wrong! I can't
even begin to imagine how nervous we all are,
how concerned . . . sending our pleas into the
universe and hoping for the best. The thing we
should probably all remember is that, no matter
what happens, there will be those who won and
those who lost, those who are triumphant and
those who are drowning in sorrow. I have not
the wisdom to know how long it will take for our
country to heal after an election. I know not if
the winners can take the high road and be kind
or if they will stoop to rubbing noses in it. Pray
that along with whatever happens in the next
few hours, we can all do a bit of growing up. I
know that I certainly need to grow; pray tell!

standing on the bring
somewhere between hope and fear
pray i be wiser

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