Nov 12, 2018


I appreciate all the thought and research that
went into the political postings in the past few
months. There were those that took a lot of
trouble over their choices, looked into the
truth or error of each one and considered the
sensibilities of others. Once the election took
place, I mistakenly thought there would be a
bit of a break from posts such as these. I've
come to the conclusion that there are those
who are simply political animals, as it were,
and they are deeply interested in the topic
and wish to keep us informed. In all my years,
I don't think I ever really considered the
position of a political personality vs. an
apolitical one. Now it is much clearer to me.
I much honor each person's right for their
own belief system, their political persuasion
and their right to free speech. And, I even
appreciate in myself the learning curve that
has occurred during this past political period.
Still, I come to the conclusion that each of us
remain basically who we are, unpersuaded of
different opinions and views. Why then, is it
so important to speak out if we indeed do not
change? Me thinks it harks back, once again,
to the individual rights this country provides
us . . . and that is both priceless and amazing!

who am i today
appreciating freedoms
believing thusly

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